Here at Scots in Spirit we've managed a few fun things in spite of the lockdown.
First, the teddy bear craze. I've noticed more and more teddy bears appearing in windows as the dog and I go for our daily walks around the neighbourhood, so we decided to join in. Since there are no soft toys in our house these days, I had to get creative with cardboard, paint and a length of our Clan tartan (Anderson) - I think our window now looks pretty good!
Then yesterday we had afternoon tea with the neighbours - but don't worry it was all within the rules, they sat on their side of the fence, we sat on ours - a good 2 metres apart - chatting and waving at all the people walking and jogging past the front gate. A very enjoyable way to break the monotony.
We've had business things to keep us busy too - STOCKTAKING. Look on the bright side, at least it was something to do. And - we had time to rationalise and reorganise the stocksheets so the process should be easier next year.
Most of our suppliers are in lockdown just like NZ, so very little is getting through - we just have to hope things will start up again soon for all of us.
The last item for this blog is a video link we'd like to share with all our friends. Its from Scotland and contains a lot of hopeful messages, many of which apply to NZ as well. Take a look at
Best wishes to all and take care of yourselves!
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